Wednesday, July 18, 2018

coffee and found

Sipping on my 2nd cup of morning coffee,
thinking about all the different people 
that I have had the privilege of getting to know
I had an idea. An idea to simply introduce them to you
over time, one at a time. A little here, a little there.
I don't want to be selfish with such gifts.
I'd like to share them.
Everyone has a story.
Each and every person is unique, talented, gifted, loved.
I may spend my whole life saying this everywhere always.
I want to share everywhere always what I've found.
I spent years and years wandering. 
Wondering. Doubting. Questioning.
I didn't think I mattered.
No value. No purpose. 
Like a blob of a human with no form to be or do anything.
I felt like an unwanted house pet to be fed and watered
but to get out of the way of others who had things to do.
I cannot and will not blame any person for the way I saw things.
I just saw it that way. For years and years. Hopeless.
It is part of my story.  I will sprinkle in bits here and there
 on UNCOVERING GOLD but for now
 I'd like you to meet Dani
my gypsy, free spirited friend who has learned to love very well.
She serves grace and kindness through coffee to every type of human being and puppaccinos to animals but more than that she dispenses the unlimited love of God, brings joy wherever she goes and spills it like the candy falling out of her pockets. Sometimes candy does spill out of her backpack ready to share with anyone who will partake with her in the communion of sugar with her.
Always listening to her new favorite song that points toward the love of God and wanting you to experience it with her as she plops down on her favorite rocking chair on the front porch sending a melody from her smartphone in her front pocket. Candy and music.
She is wise. She has a heart filled with wonder and you can see traces of wander in her soul if you listen for it.
She drives a huge conversion van and has dreams of traveling almost aimlessly across the country just for the adventure.
She is fiery. And carries with her an addiction. 
Her addiction grows more and more every time I see her. 
She is highly addicted to loving God and loving people.
Where ever she goes she takes the party.
Joy is her strength.
She has a story.
Her story is one of a rescue.
A rethinking.
And a repurpose that only God himself could do.
As an infant she was found in a little cardboard box 
abandoned under the shelter of a bridge. 
Then found.
Adopted into a family and years later found her true identity
as a daughter of the King.
From an orphaned baby to a found Princess.
Her heavenly adoption has changed her.
She was loved, wanted, longed for 
and sought out always but just didn't know it. 

I love to look at her smiling face.
To hear her laughter.
To see those brown eyes light up with kindness when she talks.
Just seeing her golden heart... her beautiful heart.
This is amazing love.
Amazing grace.

Until next time,

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